Mrs. DeSmit’s Class Blog

Park Elementary




Happy Halloween Puppet Show | Events | Pima County Public Library

We had a great day celebrating!!!!!  I loved all the kid’s costumes!!!!  Thanks for all who contributed to our party!  We had a BOOtastic day!!!!!

Here is a picture of our class!






Here are pictures of all our costumes!



We reviewed our concepts About Print as we dictated a sentence about what we will be for Halloween.  We cut it up, put it back together, touch read it to Mrs. DeSmit, glued it down on the paper, and drew a picture of our costume to match our sentence!  Look at the artist I have!!!!!!!!!  These are off the charts AMAZING!!!!


Here are a few photos from our party!!!!

We did Candy Corn Math!

We read creepy Pair of Underwear!


We colored a Halloween Costume Coloring Book!



We made Spider Webs and Ghost!



We played Don’t Eat Pete!

We ate Donuts!


Halloween Donuts - The Little Epicurean


What a fun day!

Hope you had a great time Trick or Treating Staurday Night!!!!!  HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!xoxo



Important Dates and Reminders

BAGGY BOOKS AND BLACK BINDER HOMEWORK are due on MOST Tuesdays and Fridays!  DO your BEST to get into a HW routine!  Baggy Books/Sight Word flashcards should be read EVERY night!  Remember if you want your child to get new books you have to sign off on them, the sheet is inside the baggy!  This will really help your child achieve our kindergarten reading goals!!!!

Monday, November 1 – Look for the email and link regarding Parent/Teacher conference Sign ups!

Tuesday, November 2 – Picture Retakes

Friday, November 12 – Early Release: 12:15 Dismissal

November 16 & 18 Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 23 – Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast!  I will send home a note asking for contributions in a few weeks!  Thanks so much in advance!

Nov. 24-26 No School – Thanksgiving Break

Nov. 29 -Dec. 5 Fifth Grade Can Drive

Tuesday, Dec. 7 Holiday Program (more details to come)



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