Mrs. DeSmit’s Class Blog

Park Elementary

Odds and Ends


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The kinders earned a reward for OUTSTANDING work/behavior!!!  Tomorrow we will vote as a class and our reward day will be MONDAY!  I will keep you posted as what the class votes sometime this weekend on my blog.

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Don’t forget tomorrow is library and baggy book/black binder day!  Be sure to sign baggy books and send it in with your child!

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Also, tomorrow is Charlotte’s Web Movie Night!  I am unfortunately going to have to miss all the fun!  My daughter Kasey who plays basketball at Hope college has a game.  Typically they play on just Wednesday and Saturday nights, but this weekend she plays both Friday and Saturday for the MIAA conference Tournament!!!!  I will let the kids know how she does on Monday!!!!  So far they are having a great season 25 – 0!!!!  Hope you enjoy the movie night!!!  I was looking forward to seeing everyone!!!

Image result for hope college basketball

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